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Michael and Carole Santos spent 13 years married while he was in prison finishing his 26 year sentence. She promised to stay close enough to visit so when Michael got transferred for writing his books or advocating for inmates, Carole and her children would pick up and move their lives to be near him.
Staying Close

Michael & Carol Santos
They are the ultimate prison couple success story. Married for the last 13 years of Michael’s 26 year prison sentence, they not only weathered the storms of incarceration but both built successful careers, and a family. Now that Michael is free, they offer support to other prison inmates seeking a positive outcome and advocate for prison reform in the United States.

Staying Together
They are the ultimate prison couple success story. Married for the last 13 years of Michael’s 26 year prison sentence, they not only weathered the storms of incarceration but both built successful careers, and a family. Now that Michael is free, they offer support to other prison inmates seeking a positive outcome and advocate for prison reform in the United States.